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 Stan Lee's Superhumans

Stan Lee, the Marvel Comics legend, officially inducted Jim “The Shark” Dreyer into his "League of Superhumans!" 


Jim earned this designation when he appeared on the History Channel's popular TV series Stan Lee's Superhumans, and successfully towed a 27-ton car ferry across Newport Beach Harbor, defying preconceived scientific limits of human capabilities. 

To add to the challenge, he also had to defy a wicked tidal cross-current intensified by the wind. 


Dreyer performed this astounding feat of strength upon request in December of 2013.  "The Human Tugboat" first aired on August 6, 2014, and is still shown around the world today.  See highlights from the show in the video above. 

Stan Lee drew a rendition of Jim Dreyer as a superhero for the show.  See a copy of Stan Lee's original artwork below. 

Stan Lee's artwork showing Jim Dreyer as "The Human Tugboat."
Jim Dreyer, "The Human Tugboat," pulling car ferry across Newport Beach Harbor.
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