) { window.performance = {}; } window.performance.mark = performance.mark || noop; window.performance.measure = performance.measure || noop; if ("now" in window.performance === false) { var nowOffset = Date.now(); if (performance.timing && performance.timing.navigationStart) { nowOffset = performance.timing.navigationStart; } window.performance.now = function now() { return Date.now() - nowOffset; }; } })();
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 Paddle & Pound

Kayaking Across America for Affordable Housing
Jim "The Shark" Dreyer paddling beside the Creole Queen in New Orleans.
Paddle & Pound Journal




On June 16, 2012, Jim Dreyer embarked with Stuart Picard on a self-supported, cross-country kayaking expedition from Lake Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico in support of New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity.


This 1,430-mile Huck Finn-style adventure took them from Chicago to just past New Orleans, paddling predominantly on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers.  After 45 days on the river, they built a home with Habitat for Humanity in hurricane-stricken New Orleans.


Your support of New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity is greatly needed and appreciated! 



Jim "The Shark" Dreyer & Stuart Picard at Chicago start of cross-country kayaking expedition.
Jim "The Shark" Dreyer & Stuart Picard on rooftop for post-expedition New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity project.
Pre-Expedition Video

Post-Expedition Video (Coming Soon)

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